Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Oh yeah...and I DO have to pluck my eyebrows. One look at my picture from 8th grade and you will see why.

I know the feeling. I had no idea that people even managed their eyebrows, until I was 20 years old (senior year in college) and my roommate said she had been dying to "help out my eyebrows" for a long time. I looked at her, aghast... then decided, well, okay, I'll try it. And I liked the result... I hadn't realized how overpowering my eyebrows had always been.

(Maybe I would've gotten more dates before that if I'd started plucking earlier in life

) So, I've been plucking since then, even though I hate doing it. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to grow them back in...
/goes off to pluck, since it's been a week or so and they're getting stubbly.