Reverse Latino discrimination in Public School
I live in a Midwestern town of approximately 16,000. One of our largest employers is IBP, formerly Wilson Foods, which operates a pork processing and packing plant. As Wilson's, the employees were predominantly white, as was our community then. In the last 10 yrs or so, the employee composition has become almost exclusively Mexican immigrants, many of whom are illegal, and our town's ethnic composition similarly has made a dramatic swing. Just a guess, because the number of illegals isn't known, but probably at least 25% of our residents are of Mexican origin. The local Mexican school attendance, consisting of both legal and illegal immigrants, is somewhat lower.
At our community's municipal high school, there appears to be a developing pattern of reverse discrimination. Here are two examples.
A Mexican student was caught with a knife, which usually is an automatic expulsion offense. The knife was taken away from him and then given back at the end of the day, with no other consequence. A white student had a much smaller ornamental knife on his key chain. It was removed, and the student was expelled.
Mexican students are free to wear Mexican flags to school, either on their clothing or literally, a la Superman cape style. On the 5th of May, the high school students were forbidden from wearing U.S. flags or even red,white and blue clothing. Some kids disregarded the prohibition. They were sent home and suspended.
What I want is for all illegals to go home, and for all legals to be treated equally with all others of different ethnic origin. Oh yeah, I also want world peace.
Anyway, is this unique to our community, or are others seeing a similar trend? What reasonable solutions might there be for us? Your comments on this would be appreciated.