Some of the best parties I've been to had some kind of theme that engaged everybody -- gave them something to talk about among themselves even if they didn't know each other.
At one party, everybody was supposed to dress up so they could be photographed just how they wished, in whatever pose they wished. There were some pretty _interesting_ poses and costumes. There was a follow-up party a month later where everybody got to see _all_ the contact sheets and order a print of whatever they wanted, if they wanted. And it didn't have to be their photos. I still have some of those! (This wasn't a money-making thing, either. All the prints were at cost, at whatever size they wanted, big or small.)
I went to another one where there was provided an endless supply of long skinny baloons, the type used for balloon animals and other creations -- plus a tank of compressed air. Everybody got a couple of quick lessons in twisting and was encouraged to make their own balloon costume for the evening. That, too, was pretty cool.
In both cases, you ended up conversing with a lot of people you'd never otherwise think to chat up. Because the group project gave you mutually things to admire and compare.