Originally Posted by pigglet
Them's fightin' words. Seriously, I can't stand excel for my "serious" publication grade plots - but it's great for quick data analysis and trend plots. Once I get it all pretty and ready to go, I load 'er into MatLab and make pretty ones.
If you write the front end script for MatLab, you can make it as dynamic as you want it to be. I guess the same is true with macros in excel, but I've never been able to get into the macro coding for it. If this is how you play excel, how much of a pain in the ass are the macros?
ps. I think metalgeek must have flown the coop.
pps. i can't believe i'm discussing flipping excel vs. matlab plot on TFP.
I'm pretty handy in excel and can do everything I really need to there. Matlab actually works on all the same principles, and I'm forced to use it at the university I transfered to (Engineering Student). I must say though... I fucking hate matlab. Perhaps its that I'm not familliar with it, but it does nothing but cause me problems for the most part. All of the data processing script is so much easier in excel for me, because instead of code, I get to see what I'm doing.