1. Choose a band/artist: Oasis
2. Are you female or male: Better Man
3. Describe yourself: I Am the Walrus
4. How do some people feel about you: My Big Mouth
5. How do you feel about yourself: Going Nowhere
6. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Where Did It All Go Wrong
7. Describe current boyfriend/girlfriend: She Is Love
8. Describe where you want to be: Up In the Sky
9. Describe how you live: I Hope, I Think, I Know
10. Describe how you love: Love Like a Bomb
11. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: Fuckin' In the Bushes
12. Share a few words of wisdom: Don't Look Back In Anger
13. Where do you live: Underneath the Sky
14. Now say goodbye: Fade Away
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.