I would never break up with someone on e-mail... but you know what? This was not a romantic relationship! It was hardly a friendship anymore. It was a loose tooth hanging from a thread, waiting to be tied to a door and yanked hard (I always had a hard time doing that, as a kid). The "break" doesn't deserve being in person, or even in voice. The guy went at me with a hatchet this morning on the phone, and I was not interested in risking that again.
So, it was e-mail. I did it (with a lil' help from Sweetpea in chat, thank you

). I got tired of hemming and hawing about "his" standards, and took care of myself. I sent the damn thing, was not bitter but made it VERY clear that I no longer wanted a friendship with this person. I feel like there is far less drama potential on e-mail, than on the phone (esp with this guy). So, it is done, and I am SOOOOOOO glad.
EDIT: Sage, thank you so much for this in particular. It really gave me strength, because I feel like we were talking about the SAME GUY!

And I am so happy to have him out of my life, wow... such a weight off me.
Originally Posted by Sage
I realized that I was talking to him because, like this guy you're talking about, he had a way of making me feel obligated to talk to him and listen to his problems and be manipulated by him. Sorry, my life is too short to let someone else run it!