I always thought cheap ammo was like cheap booze. Fucking horrible and a waste of time and money. I ALWAYS BOUGHT THE EXPENSIVE STUFF.
My buddy called me on it: "Why the top-shelf stuff for target practice?"
"I want to practice with what I shoot with. It helps me get the feel and confidence. Plus, I don't have to fuck with the sights."
"Dude, you are pissing money down the drain."
"Fuck you, you hippie."
"Listen: For the price of 100 rounds of your stuff, I can get 300 rounds of my stuff. I learn muscle memory, instinctive shooting, shooting from different stances, off-hand shooting, poor visibility shooting. You learn where your shots are going to go."
"I'm listening..."
"Buy 300 rounds of my stuff, and use it. Play with it. At the end of the day, put a couple of mags of your stuff through to ensure the sights anr recoil is okay. I am not telling you to HUNT with shit ammo. Just STOP target practicing with the good stuff."
I learned a valuable lesson that day.
BTW: There is a guy that goes to all of the gun shows around here and sells his reload ammo. Some folks say it is the best ammo you can get, and better than anything on the market. He sells them for cost plus a tiny bit. Why? He is a parrapalegic, and this is like his hobby. He is becoming more well-known in the benchrest and reloading circles. I have yet to make his aquaintance.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.