I think it is a mistake to look at it like theyre actually seperate parts, but rather look at it as a whole. It's like the different states of water, liquid, solid, and gas. It would be a fallacy to assume we can take away one. They exist as one, they only seem seperate because we give them our labels.
Or it's like looking at different parts of the universe with different lenses, they are really apples and oranges. It doesn't make sense to say the universe is more one thing, unless you mean it metaphorically, from your own POV and experiences. If the latter was the case then for me it would be most fluid, cyclical process.
This difference being it looks this way to me, but I know it is colored by my experiences, subjective, and not an objective view of the world.
If youre going to say, duh zeraph, of course I meant it subjectively, then sorry, but this is the way I answer it.