Originally Posted by Tachion
From my understanding prison does not act as a deterrent because most people do not expect to be caught. They knew they would be in trouble if they were caught but it seemed like the perfect plan to them. They didn’t think of the reward that Wendy offered.
I was watching a show just yesterday on which a 40-year-old drug addict was describing her life. When asked how she paid for the drugs, she said, "Oh, I was on welfare. And sometimes I smuggled arms, even with my kids in the car."
They asked what was the longest she'd ever NOT taken drugs, and she said, "Two weeks when I was in Mexico." She was afraid to take drugs there, due to the appalling prison conditions.
Personally, I question the research that says jail time isn't a deterrent. Admittedly, people break laws all the time when they don't think they'll get caught, but some penalties are so harsh that it keeps people from taking a chance.
Yes they need to be punished but what we really want is to have them become constructive members of society.
I am afraid that after all those years in prison they will come out more likely to commit crime than less. Who would hire them?
If the purpose of the sentence is to make my life safer, I think it failed.
Sentence them to 9 years of community service. Everyone would win.
A relative of mine got a DUI, and his community service was to park cars at a golf tournament. "Community service" is a very nebulous term.
Also, some people are so dishonest that they will continue to scam until they no longer have the means to do so. All you can do is lock them up.
So while I see your point, I disagree with it in this instance, and some others.