New Job Far Far Away... need advice quick!
Here's the skinny:
I'm in IT. I am a Systems Administrator; I enjoy working with Linux and Windows alike.
I was laid off from job one (four years) and after a long while I managed to find a job (number two) two hours driving time away from my hometown at a dialup internet provider. So I had to move. So I've moved to where I currently reside with all my things, and had the job for four months. It went well, but due to a shortage of work, they had to let me go. I'm nearly broke after Christmas and no job, and my last option is to move back to my family's home and pay no rent while searching for a job.
My girlfriend still lives in our hometown as an elementary school music teacher, but her contract is technically up in June, and has no idea whether or not she'll be re-hired for next term (it's just a yearly contract). She can teach anywhere in our region. She and I have been dating for 6.5 years, and hopefully sometime soon (when we both have stable jobs and a bit of savings in the bank) get married and finally settle down and _have a life together_.
I do not plan to just up and break up, and we both know that, but I'm sure more than one of you has gone through this situation: you suddenly are a long distance from each other and for some inexplicable reason your relationship changes and you eventually break up. It just happens! <pants on>She is more afraid of this happening than me, hey, I'm a guy and until I tell her different, I'm still in love with her.</pants off> At least that's how masculinity sometimes goes! :-) Basically, I love her very much and don't want to end something grand we both have.
I had job #1 while at our hometown and she was in school out of town, so we've done the quasi-long-distance thing for a long time now, but not this far.
My uncle was able to get me an interview at a company in his area, which is a five hour driving time away from me (seven hour driving time from my hometown, family and girlfriend currently). The company is currently trying to design a chip that would revolutionize the cellular industry. That's all I can tell you.
After four interviews with employees and a discussion with the CEO, I was offered the job on the spot, and also expected to start Monday. I politely told him that I needed time to think it over, as well as deal with my landlord (since I'm breaking the lease). So my acceptance deadline is Friday. He seemed surprised that I didn't accept on the spot. Also, (and this is very stupid on my part!) at no time was salary/benefits/stock options discussed. I found it odd how no one even asked me those important questions either.
He did say that I would start part-time but that depending on the speed of my work, I could move up to full time quickly. Also that I could stay longer than half a day (i.e. part time) to really get my teeth sunk into the systems and learn faster, etc. The thing is though, I'm being hired to do a little learning in the first place, I mean, that's what everyone does when they start a new job, right?
Obviously I am going to call him tomorrow to ask the important questions:
1. Salary/benefits/options
2. Goal to meet or time frame to move up from part time to full time
Driving home to my apartment today, I received a call from a headhunter looking for someone in my area (woohoo!) with my skills, and I can have an appointment set up for next week. So that’s the first positive thing I've heard in a little while!
So, my questions:
Is there anything else I should ask him to help make my decision to take a risk like this? What would you do in my position, if you were me, or if you were my girlfriend?
If you were in my position, how would you decide to take the position? What would you need to know to make a life altering decision like this easier? Is there anything else I could say that would make my situation clearer?
"You looked at me as if I was eating runny eggs in slow motion." - Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip