MC never says a word to Martel or I, even when we directly are a) in her path of movement b) participating in a conversation in which she is also talking c) indeed, in the store at all.
She doesn't like you. a) you're expected to get out of her way. b) she's can't be too shy if she's participating in a conversation. Shy, from my experience, isn't just shy of a particular person, it's being shy...period. c) Conversations in the store just not around you...? Well, either she has something to hide from you guys in particular or she's more interested in what's on C-SPAN than in what you could possibly contribute.
Cherry greetings of "HI, MC!" are met with looks the likes of which you'd give a dog trying to hump your leg.
Well, there you go....
If you ask her a store related question, or (as was the case day before yesterday) politely ask her to do something store related, she just does it without responding.
She realizes it's still a business so, she has to keep people 'happy.' She's just not going to get all excited about it. The brain dead glare I get at Burger King from the kid over the counter when I ask for no tomatoes is comparable. He has to serve me as I am a paying customer, but he doesn't have to do a jig while he makes my milkshake.
You can make the argument either way. Maybe she really is shy, maybe she's just frigid, maybe you caught her in a bad cycle in her life. Behavior is a tricky thing to nail down, especially since none of us can actually observe her behavior ourselves. Word descriptions can only do so much. What it really boils down to, for me anyway, is this: what do you think is going on? In situations like these, I listen to my intuition. What does your intuition tell you is going on?