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Old 11-11-2005, 07:51 PM   #31 (permalink)
Still Crazy
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Location: In my own time
I noticed that the reasons you gave for wanting to get married are:

1. you could get him on your health insurance so he can get contact lenses
2. you would be able to be taken seriously when asked about your marital status
3. you just want to be married
4. his little sister is getting married and you feel that his family treats your relationship as unimportant because y'all haven't tied the knot

My questions/concerns would be:

1. Why hasn't he made the effort to get health insurance (student, part-time job?). Will he help you pay for your health insurance if you do get married?

2. How do you know you are not being taken seriously? What does your marital status have to do with your ability to do your job or conduct your life?

3. Why do you want to be married? I feel that you should have stated that when the relationship started to get serious, so you could have gotten a read on his feelings about marriage then.

4. What does your family think about your relationship? You seem to put more emphasis on what he thinks, or what his family thinks, or what others think about you. Does he feel this way, too?

I feel that women today have lost the sense of what they are worth; how to value themselves. If you feel that you are worth something, then a man should be doing everything possible and then some to prove that he is worthy of you, or that he thinks you are someone he would turn himself inside-out to have in his life.

From my standpoint, you are selling yourself short. He's getting top-quality at bargain basement prices, and he isn't treating you with the care and concern one would normally use with anything of value. And neither are you.

(from one who learned the hard way)
it's gritty
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