That sucks.
Many people get "Rebound" relationships to avoid the pain that you are going through. It sounds like that is what she is doing.
Is there anything anyone can do to make this better? No. Breaking up sucks. Look on the bright side. Nope, there is no bright side at the moment.
Keep yourself preoccupied so that you don't obsess about her. The thoughts keep slipping back in.
I would suggest a Half-way house for newly single men, where you get to drink beer, play poker and watch porn all day. When you feel like crying, we feed you a bowl of chili and go fishing. When you get better, we let you leave the house and have a big send off party with a kegger and cute co-eds.
If I told you that you are the 1,543,889,724 man to go through this pain, would that cheer you up?
Remember, you are allowed to mourn the loss of your relationship for half the amount of time you were in it. I hereby give you permission to feel bad for a year. (you said you were together for 2 years)
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.