Originally Posted by dlishsguy
what whacko hospital did this nutjob come out of? extermination of white people? wtf???
surely this couldnt have been said post 911. that is propgation of hate and im sure there'd be some laws introduced after 911 to throw this looney either into a mental hospital or to jail for inciting hate.
i know in australia atm, there are laws being passed, so that any similar comments like what this goofball said would send you to jail for at least 7 years.
anyone have a date on the video?
What I consider to be one of the greatest things about my country is that not only are we not passing laws restricting speech, but that the government
cannot pass laws restricting speech. Once we give them the power to decide what we can and can't say, there's no way to guarantee that the power will not be abused.
I am proud to live in a country where people can hear this ignorance for themselves and judge it on its own merit instead of based on an arbitrary limit on what we are permitted to say.