I have a family that's basically related to ours by the longevity and closeness of the friendship. Our families have been friends since I was 3 (and my brother was some number of months old), so basically as far back as my memory goes, they've been like my own family. Their first was a girl, they had when I was 4... and then they had a boy a couple of years later... so basically, I grew up with these two like they were almost my own sister and extra brother. Growing up, we hung out at least one or two nights a week- sleepovers, that sort of thing, for us- while the parents hung out and chatted and played their card games and socialized.
We always just called them by their first names (the parents, I mean), because we were so close it didn't seem right to formalize it... and they weren't *technically* related, so there wasn't a naming convention in place... besides, they knew we were all so close, and the respect and such was very much assumed and kept, so no reason to use formal language.
To this day, we're still all very close- maybe missed a total of 3 or 4 christmas eve/day get-togethers, thanksgiving, easter combined, for the past 20 years, and for specific reasons each time. I wouldn't really refer to them as "aunt" or "uncle" to anyone, but if anyone ever needed it, like for visiting in a hospital or someplace similar where family ties are necessary, they are unquestionably my aunt and uncle, and their kids are like my brother and sister (I know this should tehcnically make them my "cousins", but all I would say is they're my cousins, but like my brother/sister).
I did this when I went to the hospital when my "sister" (their daughter) was in the hospital because she was hit by a car. When I asked what room, they asked what relationship I was, and I said I was her brother. The nurse even followed me in after a minute and asked her, "is this your brother?" And she immediately said "of course he is." lol
Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Funny, I have an uncle who married into the family and when I was a kid I would address him as "Uncle Jeff," to which he would respond by calling me "nephew Brian."
LMAO I decided long ago that, assuming my brother wants kids, when his kids call me "Uncle analog", they will get "niece/nephew [name]" in return, just like you got "nephew brian", just because it's funny.