Originally Posted by Titan_Uranus
keep it up ,trying to spot reduce is hard work but worth it in the end ,okay not 'the' end 'cos you gonna have keep at it, remember take it slow but don't give up.
I've got to disagree on this point. Spot-reducing is a myth. Your body works the way it wants to and there is no way to reduce fat in specific areas. Your body retains fat where it can as a survival mechanism.
One thing people screw up and do is stop eating. Your body then tries to store more fat and does so in the areas you are trying to drop fat. You need to eat. Just try to eat right: 5-9 1/2 cup servings of fruits & veggies a day and get 20-30 grams of fiber, along with some protein. Work out 3-4 times a week and everything will take care of itself.