Yeah but can you hire an affordable trainer that will train you in a way the military would? I'm sure he's not talking about just going for a run every day, but rather honing in on skills he didn't even know he had. That includes, and is not limited to: strength training, agility training, obstacle courses, maintaining/aiming/firing a weapon, hand-to-hand combat techniques, etc. I can understand why he would want this training without the obligation, too. It would be great to have a great physique, be strong, fast, and know how to defend yourself without having to work for Bush.
Edit: Might I add that although you can be trained by a gym instructor, dojo master, basketball coach, etc, the military incorporates all of those factors into one system, which makes it more desirable to someone who wants to better their health significantly and is devoted enough.
Last edited by CityOfAngels; 10-27-2005 at 01:16 PM..