Originally Posted by Anxst
She doesn't sound like a whack job to me. She sounds like a woman who has no clue where the hell she's going or how she wants to get there.
If you're looking for some kind of steady relationship right now, it sounds to me like she's not the girl for you. She's not ready for that at this point in time.
Move along with your datng, keep in touch with her if you like. She'll either figure out what she's doing, and come back to you at some point in time, or head off elsewhere.
Just my take on the situation.
See, I called her out on this at dinner Friday.. "You don't know what the F' you want do you?" and she just laughed about it saying no.
It's funny, I'm not looking for a serious relationship, but at the sametime I am. I think I'm almost in the same boat she's in, I dont know what I want. I'm the happiest I've probably ever been right now, but at the same time, I miss having someone around all the time.