I see your point, but the main problem with a lot of those experiments is that the people being tested on didn't give their consent. I don't argue against a level of control, but the current level required is absurd in most countries.
While one may agrue that the testing of a menthod/drug/device, that may not be perfect, on consenting adults is morally wrong. I have to argue that waiting is just as morally wrong, if not worse.. and really only results in prolonged suffering and deaths of many people who could benefit.
I mean, if i know i have a month to live w/ cancer, and i know a guy out there is working on a cure, I would go and give it a shot. What would i have to lose, besides my life, which would be over in a month anyway? Even if the test doesn't work, and i die, it will atleast have been a useful death. But, i guess, this is sorta dipping into the "right to die" stuff, and I've already jacked this thread enough.