Originally Posted by ophelia783
There are generally two reasons why someone cheats.
One is because they're feeling isolated/neglected, and are looking for some form of attention/love/comfort/companionship/etc. The other is because they are either incapable of being in a monogamous relationship, or they're just a bitch/ass.
If it's the first, and you're willing to work out the issues, then good luck to you, and best wishes. If it's the second, they're not worth your time, and you shouldn't bother.
For the second reason, I agree with your estimation of "not worth your time". As for the first, this generally this sounds like a nice idea except for two reasons... 1. If they were feeling neglected/isolated, I don't want to be in a relationship with such poor communication that one feels the need to cheat rather than have a talk, several talks, or just leave, because of feeling neglected.
2. If it was TRULY such a horrible accident, if it was TRULY because they were in such a dire state of unhappiness that they couldn't find the way to talk it out, and had a moment of weakness and cheated ONCE, but they really, TRULY cared and were TRULY sorry, they would be so sorry that they would bawl their eyes out. They would collapse and cry like everyone they knew had died at once. Only in this extreme circumstance would I entertain the notion of taking a girl back. The term, "everyone makes mistakes" applies to dropping a cake, breaking a dish or glass, or leaving the toilet seat up- having sex with someone who is not your SO when you're not supposed to is NOT a mistake.
And, in my opinion, If you're married, there's no excuse at all, ever, regardless.