That is what I expected from a therapist.
I went to one about 3 years ago. The few times I went he just sat there and sat practically nothing. Just said "Tell me about yourself." "Why are you here." "What is your problem." Then when I elaborated he just sat there taking notes. I guess this is how it's supposed to go. After several sessions the only thing he told me with regards to what I'd said was "You grew up in a very disfunctional home." That was it. Alright einstein, tell me something I DON"T know. At the time I desperately needed SOME direction. I was depressed, in a bad place in every way, and all he says is that my childhood was screwed up. DUH! I quit going because I saw absolutely no use in going just to complain. What do I do, why am I depressed, what's wrong with me, with my world, why are things so screwed up, etc.
Rewind about 10 years. I went to a therapist with my family. It was a woman my Dad was seeing because of his multiple suicide attempts. She wanted to meet the whole family and talk to us all. I remember my very angry brother sitting on the couch between my parents and I was seated in a desk chair off to the side of the therapist. It ended up she said a couple things to both my Dad and brother that sent them off on tyraids and into fights. Mom would sit there and talk about 'satan possessing her son', 'satan causing discord in the family', 'don't let satan make you do this...'. The therapist wasn't able to control the situation either. When it was about 10 seconds from blows I stepped in and calmed things down, talked them both down off their horses, and then she continued. This happened 3 times while we were there. If she was such a hot therapist then why was she provoking fights like that. Sure maybe see family dynamics but wouldn't you think that ONCE was enough? Was she trying to get someone hurt? Dad quit seeing her because she started making passes at him when her divorce was finalized. She even started calling our house asking if he was able to come in for an impromptu session. Um yeah right.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
Last edited by raeanna74; 09-12-2005 at 06:13 PM..