I exercise and eat well because it has many benifits, including keeeping the eye of your SO. I'd be sad if my wife were to stop exercising and eating right, so I keep exercising and eating right. If, hypothetically, I were to stop working out or dieting, I'd want my wife to call me on it. One of my goals is to stay sexy for my wife until the day I die. Part of maintaining that goal is my gut being a distant memory.
It was rude of your SO to be so blunt in the delivery of his thoughts. It came off very selfish. Was he wrong to say something? I don't know. He was, after all, honest at the core of his statement. Instead of saying something like, "Do you want to go on a jog?" he said "you're getting heavy". If you put on a few pounds, it's possible he was just worried about you. You can tell him he had a good message to tell you but delivered it in an absolutely terrible way.