blah who needs all those "other" browsers when you got IE right there (non-windows users excluded cuse you suck). I mean when did everyone decide I didn't want pop-ups, spyware, browser hi-jacking, security holes, and the like? But everyone has to be unique and use those "other" browsers and tell me IE is horrid just because if this and that.
Note: This whole post has been made with sarcasm in mind, please do not be offended by the fact that IE truely is horrid. It is not my choice to have it called that but fact remains that it is. Children and computer illiterate beware pop-ups, spyware, browser hi-jacking, security holes, and the like are all bad. You do not want any of them, they are not good things, stay away from them even if it means putting a bullet into your modem, monitor, or computer.
Note 2: Putting a bullet into your modem, monitor, and/or computer may cause it fail, shatter, spark, arc, or otherwise do dangerous and/or bad things. I do not encourage or recommend such action. If you preceed I won't be responsible for your internet, monitor, or computer not working. Please gun violence is not necessary especially against your computer.