Hey XXX, I really enjoy hanging out with you and...
You might want to find a better pet name for her than XXX, she might get the wrong idea!

(I kid...)
Good idea writing it down, because you will be nervous talking to her - but we all get that way and most women find it endearing... so don't sweat it!
Another vote for striking the past loves of your life that slipped away, every woman wants to believe they were always choice #1, no matter how illogical that is. Guys are no different...
Too much apologizing going on - if you don't think you're the best thing that could ever happen to her, how can she?? Believe it - it is truer than you know!! A guy who cares enough to risk looking funny and write what you wrote in the 1st sentence of the second paragraph, is the kind of guy girls dream of finding, or so I am constantly told. But then you apologize again in the second sentence. Stop it.
Do something small, but romantic. Like a small bouquet of flowers, and a book or music or something that she has mentioned to you that she likes. It shows you listen. Tell her it is because she has had a rough time lately and you thought she needed somebody in her life to bring her a gift for no reason at all. Stay away from the "I'll regret it for the rest of my life" talk - it is a little strong and she could freak. But that last line is gold - Flowers, something personal, and you tell she's purty and smarty, and that you would be interested in taking her on a formal date.
Then (and I'll get static for this) have something else to do and leave. Even if she is all smiles, take off. No pressure, nothing awkward, just her to think about what a great guy you are for the rest of the night.
Good luck...