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Old 06-22-2005, 12:36 AM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Belgium
- update your drivers! You can find the drivers for your adapter on Intel's site:

- Intel has a list with games that are not working on your 82845G Graphics Controller. This list is unupdated, but it doesn't hurt to take a look:

-You have an on-board graphics controller with 64MB shared memory. This memory allocation can be changed in the BIOS (it can be set to 64 (max) and down to 8 or 16). You can easy check how much shared memory is allocated to your video adapter by going in XP to start > run > type in: 'dxdiag' (without the quotes) and go to the display tab. If it say 64 MB as memory, then you are set, if it say less, post a reply and we talk you through the next step.

- check the minimum specs for the game. Can your hardware run it? Your video adaptor probably isn't listed in most compatibility lists of most games, but the performance can be compared to a Geforce 4 MX 440. If this card isn't supported, your adapter isn't either.
Amerika by Franz Kafka
“As Karl Rossman, a poor boy of sixteen who had been packed off to America by his parents because a servant girl had seduced him and got herself a child by him, stood on the liner slowly entering the harbour of New York, a sudden burst of sunshine seemed to illumine the Statue of Liberty, so that he saw it in a new light, although he had sighted it long before. The arm with the sword rose up as if newly stretched aloft, and round the figure blew the free winds of heaven.”
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