Nice short one! I got a good visual from it. One thing: when the specialist is about to enter the bathroom, how about he mumbles a little shinto prayer (even if he looks like Joe America, middle-aged and with a gut, he takes his shit seriously), then slowly takes out the katana.
While he's fighting, he could scream out some random stuff in Japanese and English, like "I welcome death!" or "Shinde, temeh!" (Die, you bastard!). That would be fun. The goings-on in the bathroom are what will really sell this sketch. In one of the fight cuts, the guy could be yelling "Dragon punch! Dragon punch! Dragon punch!" over and over, with a heavy "thud" sound each time. In another cut, the fight could suddenly stop, then the door opens slightly, a bloody arm reaches out to turn on the bathroom light, pulls back in. Then the guy screams "Sweet God in heaven!", then the door shuts abruptly and the fighting continues.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Last edited by Bob Biter; 06-09-2005 at 05:02 PM..