Am I the only one that doesn't buy the "not looking for relationship" thing.
I mean, you are looking for a relationship.
I think the excuse she is giving you is just that, an excuse.
She doesn't want to dumb you and burn bridging, but she is biding her time.
I don't buy the 'horrid things in the past', I think she is playing you.
I don't mean she is screwing some guys on the side or anything, she might have other guys like you, but I even doubt that.
She is looking at her options, she doesn't want to throw you out, and she has fun with you. But... I have a feeling that she has put you in the friend zone, while see looks for something 'better.'
Sorry if I am off base, of course I don't know the entire story, only what you told. But this is how I see it.
I would say, keep your eyes open for another girl. If you are having fun, meeting a new girl.. It makes you 'better' to the first girl. And maybe you will even like no.2 better.
For whatever reason, the 'friend' girls always want to talk about being more then friends, when you are seeing someone else. I guess there is something to say about competition.
Anyway, when I and my friends (girls / guys) use "not looking for a relationship" we mean "not looking for a relationship (with you)."
But, we often mean 'sex is okay, as long as you don't get mad if I leave you for someone 'better' soon."
So maybe you should check, maybe she is willing but you are missing out.
It isn't all that uncommon to hang out like friends at the mall or whatever, then go home a have sex. Just both saying "this isn't serious."