I went to a group home, an "emotional growth boarding school" I believe is the PC term, and I will warn you now, it is the worst thing you can do for your child. I attended
Copper Canyon Academy. Their success rates are incredibly low, and this I know from watching fellow classmates after their "graduations". Your daughter will be subject to psychological warfare from the minute you leave the campus, and it will continue until the day she leaves. Your daughter's communication with you, both written and over the phone, will be closely monitored, and she will be punished for anything she says that is critical of the program.
I was sent to a program because I was depressed and suicidal (two attempts, failed due to intervention.). I know my family was going through hell because of me, but the person that came back from the program wasn't their daughter and they knew it. I haven't been the same person sence, and I don't believe I ever will be. Your personality becomes warped to the point where you don't know what is the real you, and the "right" you.
Please, for your sake and your daughters sake, I beg you to consider other options. There are many out-patient options, excellent therapists, and other methods for dealing with your daughter. I know I sound extreemist, and for that I apologize, but I cannot cover the loathing I hold for these people and the "help" they offer. I have seen far too many families left with daughters who are more bitter, angry, and violent than ever. I was lucky as I only became incredibly introverted.
Please forgive me. I don't mean to threadjack, and that is most certainly not my intention.