Both of my parents worked full time when I was growing up which meant full time daycare in the summers, neighbors watching my sister and I until we were old enough to care for ourselves after school. I really think that being in daycare was good for us because it taught us to socialize and to see the world outside of our parents. My parents were very, very good about being at all the school events and making sure we knew that one of them would be there to pick us up at 5 pm everyday. I also think it was good for my parents to be away from us, to socialize with other adults and not have to focus on us completely. I never did feel alone or unloved. With that as my example, I think I will be a outside of the house working mom if I have children. It takes a lot to raise children but no one says I have to do it all alone myself.
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!"
"Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree."