Sounds like you have done well... Just remember if you don't make a big deal out of it, neither will she...
For books, honestly, check out your local library and talk to the librarian, tell her you are interested in a book on talking to your child about sex, and sexual behavior. and a book for your child for the same topic. You might also want to talk to your family doctor about a book. I will guarentee it's not the first time they've been asked that question..
There are also a lot of pamphlets available on the web - usually the feminine hygiene sites have them -- and you can have them mailed to you - on "your changing body". She might be a little young for that, but - eh --you never know.
Doing a quick search on Amazon, searching on Sex education for children returns a lot of what seem to be good titles... I'm sure the library would carry most of them
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