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Old 04-01-2005, 09:09 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Just so everyone is clear on this, the story about the vasectomies is an April Fool's prank by the guys at

Oh, please. You didn't think we'd go silently into that good night, did you? Yep, it's Joe and Bill again. Hi, and happy April Fools' Day!

Yes, this is a FAKE Medical Journal website for a FAKE medical association, complete with a fake voicemail system. Most of the stories and articles you read here are true... Just not that one that probably brought you here. Sorry about that. I know how badly you wanted it to be true (because hey, it wouldn't have made the news under your name if you DIDN'T). Alas, it's not. We made it up.

Why, you ask? Well, we're still tired.

Once again, we've proved that so-called "journalists" at so-called "reputable news agencies" are so-called "Fucking lazy". Furthermore, bloggers... Shame on you! It's not like we didn't drop about two billion clues that this particular article might not be full to the brim with medical fact, you know. The integrity part of Journalistic Integrity has been left completely by the wayside, and reporters / writers / disc jockeys / what-have-you are simply scraping sites like and for news and updates.

Bloggers: after Rathergate, we all figured "Wow... Blogging has finally made it!" Well, this is very very true - and because of that, we need to be more dilligent than ever about the things we propigate across the web as news.

Mainstream Media: We want NEWS. Not ratings. Not sensationalism. Not "I got there first." No one cares about your scoop or your career - what we DO care about is that you maintain the journalistic integrity that you supposedly adhere to in that career. We care that you give us NEWS. Real, no kidding information -- not conjecture and rumor. We're sick of it, guys. And we want you to help us, an incensed American public, get the information that we rely on you for. We TRUST you, and we want you to quit abusing that trust. So here's a bit of actual, no kidding news that you can start with:

We're not done yet. Not by a long shot.

These little pot-shots at entertainment and social "news" are just the beginning. Bill and Joe are just getting warmed up. And we won't stop until you make it absolutely certain that our job is done. Yep, you have the power here. All you have to do is YOUR JOB. Research the stories you cover, make calls, verify facts. Give US, those who trust you, real information - not just your best guess or your next pulitzer.

And to the dilligent bloggers and journalist (Note: ONE journalist) out there who did check in and research, thank you. And thank you for your support in our cause.

Joe and Bill
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