From your original post, it's obvious that your analytical. You organized and classified your symptoms, anticipated peoples responses, and arranged your questions accordingly. You probably put a lot of thought into any decision...even the small ones that most people wouldn't think twice about. Not sure whether it was on purpose or not, but in your post about your negativity and/or depression, you managed to explain to everyone your ambitious career goals. This tells me that your also highly disciplined. (You probably enjoy giving other people directions or telling them what to do, which makes you a perfect candicate for teaching.)
So, he's my personal analysis: I don't think your negative or depressed. I think you have a lot going on right now and just need to talk about it with people who "truly" understand what you're going through. Also, just because you "analyze" all situations, doesn't necessarily mean that you are negative. Whenever your faced with a decision...even small probably weigh "all" your options, run through several senarios, theorize about potential risks, develop contigency plans and then proceed. Of course, since you've thought everything through, you probably proceed with the utmost of confidence.
So...having said all that, I'm assuming that someone whom you trust and admire has recently told you that you are a "negative person". This has bothered you enough to begin analyzing your actions over the past year and picking out certain patterns that seem to fit their diagnosis. Simply put, you're being too hard on yourself. I don't know you personally, but you sound like an incredible person that has accomplished quite a bit in your life thus far...and on top of all that, you have a very promising future!
Fortunately, this concept of "being too hard on yourself" can be easily remedied and you have all the tools within yourself to do so. If you want to go through a few excercises to get you back on track, just let me know and we'll work through it together. I'm sure everyone else who has responded to your post will be supportive as well.
Good luck,