I don't know where a lot of you guys went to school at, but this isn't that big of a deal

The teacher didn't deck the student or beat him into a pulp. The students need to grow the fuck up. The reason I have such a strong attitude on this is because I've recently been there (just graduated 3 years ago) and I remember/know how students push buttons. It's not like the school was making the student give the principal a blowjob or something. Just stand up. Not that big of a deal.
Reminds me of a situation in my Technological Studies class in high school (capstone technology course for seniors). The teacher asked everyone to get out of the lab and into the class to explain a new procedure for our projects or something. One of my friends was working on his project with the bandsaw and refused to leave. He cited the fact he had rights and didn't have to do what the teacher said, he could do whatever he wanted to. "you can't make me do anything." My friend got in an assload of trouble, almost kicked out of the class, the inability to drive to school for a couple of weeks (took away parking pass), and guess what, he didn't do it again. Just pay respect to those who deserve it and get over yourselves.