I played through the entire single player in a couple days DURING FINALS WEEK. Way too short. It was fun though... but you finish the game and are like "wait, I thought that was the intro." Other than that, it plays a lot like Halo, but with a squad-based twist. It's too easy, though, and there isn't really a feel of getting more powerful as the single player progresses. In fact, endgame they bring back all the enemies from the first level.
As for the AI, they tend to follow orders WAY too strictly, and sometimes are really, really good stratigists, and other times complete dufuses. It definitaley seemed scripted, and if you at all try to deviate from what the devolopers expect you to do, you're basically on your own.
Just a warning though.. after only a few days of playing this game, my CS skills went straight to hell.
"Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Except this. Well, including this, I suppose." -- Douglas Adams