Rrrrroll up The Rrrrrim
It is that time of year again.
All though my life I have never seen anything but the standard "Sorry, please try again". From Coffee Crisp wrappers to Tim Horton's rims.
So I sit here sipping my first Rrrrroll up The Rrrrrim of the season planning what I am going to do with the GMC Envoy that I am about to win.
Maybe I will keep it. No, It's a gaz guzzler. I will sell it for the cash and pay down my mortgage. Or maybe I should win the Panasonic Home Theatre system. Nah...I don't really need that. Probably best to win the $1000 bucks cash. Nope, I am back to the GMC Envoy.
I just hope I don't win the Coleman camping package.
You know what...anything would be nice for a change even another cup of coffee.
OK here it goes, the lid is off.
I am Rrrrrolling up the rrrrrim......
Please Try Again/ Reessayez S.V.P.
Does anybody ever win these things?
Post your chocolat bar/Coffee cup/other winning or losing stories.
Sticky The Stickman