Originally Posted by vermin
Looks like another bunch of assholes who call themselves "christian" forgetting what being christian is all about.
Exactly. I'm beginning to believe there isn't any American Christians that actually know what their religion is about in essence, but rather invent their own version of Christianity. They like to place a label on themselves while completely clueless of the message so they can blindly live their miserable lives believing they have acquired a ticket to "heaven" regardless of their actions in life simply because of the label. I don't know whether to laugh at them or cry for them...maybe both. It’s amusing, yet sad as well, a majority of “Christians” I come across tend to be either extremely angry or hateful. For example, today in class, there is this moron who has “a strong faith in Christ”, yet when the subject of war in Iraq arises, he immediately jumps on the "kill them all, let freedom reign" bandwagon, basically the flag waiving non-sense we tend to hear often in the media. Unlucky for him, everyone always jumps down his "Jesus loving" throat and proves him wrong each and every time, yet he fails to learn. I’ve met several Christians who practice their faith properly, but they’re few and far…