I'll bet Chretien is pissed now that Martin hasn't failed miserably. Up until last summer, I couldn't stand Martin or the thieving Liberals. But something is happening. I'm starting to think Martin might actually be the real deal and give a shit more about his country than his ego. Certainly more than that asshole Chretien. But I'm not holding my breath. His turn to bury Chretien not with politics like Chretien but with a legacy, that seemingly has forgone Chretien, at least in a positive light, as a man of vision and direction for a liar and thief.
Let's see. Martin stands up to the U.S missile program and is cheered. Sides with gay marriage and equality. Impressive. Seriously looking at decriminalizing pot outright. Bonus. And I think is trying to be a leader rather than a follower, or at least a wagging dog on a tail.
Stephen Harper. Has the bible in his back pocket, speaks of change for the equality and betterrment of all while, discriminates against gays and gay marriage. Saw great things for him as a player but now he just looks like an under experienced micro manager.
Lord help me, I'm turning into a liberal.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.