Questions pertaining to V-Day
I'm trying to come with good Valentine's Day stuff for my girlfriend, and I've come with a couple of things that are good so far. There are two things in particular, though, that I'm looking for some advice on.
First, I'm going to do something with having a friend of hers take her somewhere (anywhere) for a long enough amount of time that I can set up in her room and be waiting for her when she gets back. I thought about doing rose petals, but instead I am dressing as a cowboy-esque person (she thinks Tim McGraw's look is sexy, and that it would be particularly sexy on me) and will be reclined on her bed with my newly bought black cowboy hat pulled down a little. I know she'll get a kick of this part, but I was wondering about whether having a ribbon that starts at the door and leads back to her bedroom would be too cheesy?
Secondly, a gift that I would like to get her is a pair of fuzzy handcuffs. This is one of her fantasy things that she wants to try sometime, but there are no decent shops to find them at. Is there a place online that I could get them? She mentioned Spencer's or something, but I don't know that we have one near where I live anymore.
So those are my two quandries...I am willing to accept any advice on how to better these. Many thanks for any help.