Outlawing this proceedure is not a good idea...
It will be driven underground and performed in the worst of places. Who cares if someone wants to modify their bodies?
It has only been 10 years since body modification hit the mainstream (ie piercing and tattooing). Let's see where we are at in another 10 to 20. The technology and willingness to alter our appearances will allow for some very odd modifications.
The guy who has modified his body to look like a leopard (or some such large cat) is only the beginning. Body Modification is to the youth of today what pot and LSD were to the youth of the 60s... Widespread experimentation (generally) leads to mainstream acceptance (ie Pot is about to be de-criminalized in Canada).
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke