The question sort of generally baffles me, frankly... I've dated pretty much every race except Arabic descendants, and they were simply women, lovers, girlfriends, whatever. I tend to think that someone who's stuck on dating outside their own race has some issues, and I think someone that's not open to dating other races has issues as well. I married a latina, I am white, and I never even considered it an "interracial" relationship. It has always been simply a relationship. Is the sex different? Well, the sex is always a bit different from person to person, but near as I can tell it's had nothing to do with a skin color.. Sex is certainly different depending on the partner's attitudes and all, but that's IT. When the lights are out they all feel more or less the same, and when you genuinely love the person you are with, then very few things make any difference when it comes to appearance.
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies
like a banana.