Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
The first date will be fine, sounds like you have a good idea. The key is what you do AFTER the date. I never called the day after - alway wait two days or more. Don't ask for a second date while on the first date. And NEVER send flowers the next day - you might as well send her a card that says "I never want to see you again."
The trick seems to be to remain SLIGHTLY aloof. That way, you don't seem like a sure thing, which equals "boring" in the mind of the modern woman.
*snorts* I <i>so</i> hope you're being sarcastic.... You most certainly don't have to call and expect a marathon conversation, but a quick call to say you had a great time and thank her is most definitely the classy, mature way to go. Flowers or a small gift would be nice, too, though those could wait until a second date. Which is probably better asked for when you speak with her <i>after</i> the first date.
I don't know what idiot started telling guys that waiting a couple of days to call and playing "aloof" is the key to a girl's heart. Sincerity and not STALKING her would be good..... Casual attention is the way to go.... Let her know you like and appreciate her, but don't smother her. These days, a modern woman isn't likely to wait around three days for a guy to get off his ass and decide it's been a requisite number of days to not look needy.... She's going to move on to the guy who is sure enough of himself to be casual, classy, mature and confident.