Shonen Jump has gotten together with Konami, Dolby, and PCCD Rom. to produce a free Yu-Gi-Oh online game, which beats the old Yu-Gi-Oh Virtual Desktop game hands down.
First let me warn you. It's a massive download. It took my DSL line almost 15 minutes to download it.
Second: unlike the YVD program, you cannot pick your own cards. Everyone gets the standard dueling deck. But the game will give you a card for every game you play.
The game keeps track of scores, magic and trap cards. Everything. Making it easier for you to concentrate on the duel.
I'm not going to lie to you. At first the game can be boring. But if you ever played with a standard deck. You know that's not unusual. But after you move up in ranks. And get better cards. It gets pretty interesting
Come join in.