<b>small one</b>, my buddy and I discussed just that over homebrew and scotch one evening. We ended up designing the feline murphy dynamo and the bi-feline dynamo. For the first, you strap a slice of buttered toast, butter side up to a cat's back and drop it over the most expensive oriental carpet that can be found. Since the rate of the butter hitting the floor is directly proportionate to the value of the carpet, if it is expensive enough, the toast and cat ought to approach an oscillating equillibrium and spin rapidly while falling slowly (since cats always land on their feet, eventually that will overcome the odds of the toast landing.).
For the Bifeline dynamo, strap two caws paw to paw and drop them. They should spin indefinitely.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.