as bad as I hate to say this, morals do not equal laws. so if it's morally wrong or not is beside the point when it comes to them going to jail or not.
Sixate: Screw them, I don't really care at all that they were taken advantage of.
The thing about this is how it goes against other issues of shady business. What if we went out to young girls who are poor or homeless and offered them $100 for a blowjob?
it is illegal, by law.
I am for fighting if people wish to fight. I am against unregulated fighting .
the guys deserve to go to jail for what they did.
As far as morals or what not. Sure, a lot of 'bums' are 'bums' because they are lazy. A friend of mine's father has given business cards and explicit instructions on how to come to his work place for a job. No worries about looks or anything, just come... not one has.
then again, I would imagine 70% or more are mentally disabled, or dependant on substance (which the substance abuse is a very low import to me, i've beat addiction and know its hard but -possible). The coverage for people to get mental health help is nill to nothing. I know by experience.
If you offer a sound person the chance to fight another with a contract claiming they are mentally sound, then go for it.
if you offer a mentally ill person the same thing, i hope you get shot and die. taking advantage of one's disabilities is as low as you can get.