Yes, we've met the boys in question and we both thought they were spoiled little punks whose parents were more like buddies than parents. We thought his influence would rub off on them but the opposite has taken place.
We've noticed that he's become mouthy about things that were never a problem before. I think it's because he sees these kids getting/doing whatever they want without any responsibilities and he resents that his life doesn't work that way.
His teacher also told us that he is part of a group that laughs at other kids who participate in class. He seems to be more concerned with fitting in than standing out and has resorted to this kind of bullying so he doesn't appear too smart to be part of his new peer group.
I don't know if you read my whole post since the last paragraph of your reply mentions your sister being a straight A student. Our son is too. In fact, he is part of the 'gifted' class in his school, currently performing 2 grades ahead of his actual level.
I personally don't want to see him waste his potential in some ill-conceived bid to fit in, especially when the crowd he is trying to emulate is the below average group.
My dad moved to another state when I was 16 only to get me away from the crowd I was with. Most of those guys are or have been in prison since then. I have not. I was really mad at my dad but you know what? I didn't wind up in prison. And once I had kids of my own, dad got a whole lot smarter.
Our son is 10 years old and not 16. We are controlling him much more intensely now than we will when he's a teenager. He needs to learn how to pick friends now so we don't have a problem when he's able to do whatever he wants.
It's a shame you feel the way you do about your parents. From your writing skills, ability to express yourself, it appears that they must have done something right for you to have absorbed those abilities while smoking crack and whoring yourself out in back alleys.