Originally Posted by ajzdaee
Thanks for all your responses. I have done the sit her down thing and say this is how it has to be. But all it dose is piss her off. She told me the other day that my son has no manners and no respect for adults, keep in mind that he is 5. She told me this after he interrupted us when we were having a conversation. I tried to explain to her that no 5 year old has any idea what respect is. He is not a bad child; he is actually very caring, loving and sensitive child. I know what has to be done but I am the kind of person that will give that last bit of hope. This was my first post and I have to say it has helped to just get things out. (More too come)
I hate to say it but you've got to dump her; she's not mature enough to be in a relationship with you right now, and the things she says and her attitude can hurt your son. Let her go. There are women who like kids and will be right for you.