Well, my girlfriend is in Hawaii for a year- she's beein there since the beginning of the summer. She's quite the lucky girl to land such a trip. She's doing ecology research at the parks there. What's best about it is that she's originally from Hawaii, so it's a nice trip home to her childhood. Meanwhile however, I'm stuck at home in Wisconsin bored and lonely off my rocker.
My girlfriend and I do all we can to communicate. Unfortunatly, we cannot talk on the phone as much as we'd like (darn Hawaii'an mountains and 4 hour time difference!). We write each other constantly, but it doesn't come close to one on one human interaction. Now, don't get me wrong here.. I'm not complaining about my relationship.. I'm just lonely. It's my lack of relationships with other people that's the problem.
Although I'm in college, I am unable to find anyone intelligent enough to hold a conversation with. I'm aching for someone to talk to- to complain to, to just do something with. Someone I can sit down with and talk about politics, philosophy, or anything really. Hell, anything other than football or whatever the hell normal people are supposed to talk about.

My social life has deteriorated into endless hours of videogames with my old highschool buddies- Who offer little more than a comedic release from normal life. Unfortunatly, socializing with them is the norm right now and I can feel myself becoming exponentially 'stupider' with every passing moment spent with them. They're nice guys, but they are no where near mature
I know what you guys are thinking. "Hey man, go to a party and meet people." Unfortunatly, parties only make me angry. I don't drink, smoke, or do anything of the sort. Most of the people at parties I don't want to socialize with anyway as they're either drunk or not mature enough to coverse whilst sober anyway. On Thursday, the "big drinking night" you can find me sitting in my dorm or at my buddy's place playing videogames- hiding from all the idiot party drunkards- which is precicely what I assume the other decent people are doing. I can't meet anyone I'd like to meet because they're hiding behind closed doors just the same as me.
For the record, my situation has nothing to do with my social skills. I'm very personable and comfortable in large groups. I excell at public speaking and I'm generally the center of attention when I'm engaged. If anything negative would result from my interactions, it would probably be that I intimidate and scare away potential "cool people". However, it's not like I pour my heart out on the first occation. I think the reality is that most people just can't handle a true heart to heart, one on one conversation. So perhaps rather, it's the heart to heart itself which is intimidating, not me.
[howard dean] Yeearrrrggh! [/howard dean]
Any suggestions?
Anyone else lonely and want a friend?