I do contract work for people over the Net too - I currently have this guy for whom I've done the project according to spec months ago. He would e-mail me and say he's sending me the money and then I don't hear from him for a couple of months. Then he e-mails back and says that he's lost my bank information and to send it to him. I send it and I don't hear from him again for a couple of weeks. Then he e-mails back and says that he'll send the money as soon as he can. This has gone on for several months now. I don't really expect to be paid for this job even though I did quite a bit of work. Unfortunately, that's the way it is when you do work for people over the Net. I don't see the point in wasting more time trying to get them back when I could be doing other work which would bring in some money. And posting means to spam people here on the fourms might lead to other not so scrupulous people using the techniques to other ends. That's my two cents