I don't think Locs is so worried about thinking other people are good looking. He's not ashamed that he finds people attractive, there's no issue there.
I think your girlfriend was open-minded and trusting, that's why she did the freaky things for you. I don't know if she necessarily liked it as much as she acted, but there's nothing wrong with that. Like I said before, I've noticed that a lot of people don't do sexual things to their partner if they don't get anything in return - some women won't give oral sex if they're on their period, for example, because they don't get any fun. Personally I think that's bullshit... I'll do the dishes even if I don't feel like it, I'll race out and get dinner, or I'll give a backrub without thinking twice about it. There's nothing wrong with fulfilling your partner's fantasties as long as they're not too freaky, and as long as they trust you.
I think that's where the problem is. She's clearly straight so any homosexual activities (like playing with her female friends' panties) is pretty extraordinary for her, and something she'll only do when she trusts you completely. (I'm straight but if I was in a totally loving relationship and I trusted my partner I think there is nothing I wouldn't do, at least once, if it was her fantasy.) I think skier's hit the point that to you your past is old and gone and isn't coming back, but to her it's brand new and is still fresh in her memory.
If I think about it from her perspective only, then I'd agree with her. If my girlfriend told me she'd been with dozen of people before me and cheated on every one of them, and then didn't mention to me a voicemail saying thanks for the date, then yes, I would be distrustful. Because things just don't add up for her.
The bottom line is that she doesn't trust you, and I hate to say it but I don't think she will anytime soon. It's up to you if you want to work your ass off for someone who might never trust you.