Originally Posted by slimshaydee
I once had one on my head when I was driving, scared the bejesus out of me. Had to pull over and pick it off with my hand (not a good feeling) and then I stomped that lil bugger about 50 times to make sure it was dead.
Yeah, one day i was driving back from soccer with this girl who was really kinda aggressive and sexually intimidating... but thats another story, anyway this dirty big huntsman just runs accross the outside of the windscreen. She angrily stares at me for a second and then she, yep, turns on the windscreen wipers and kills it. I wasnt sure who to be more scared of at the time. She was such a pro.
A couple of nights later i was at this party spewing my guts up in the corner and she just comes up to me and starts trying to go for it right there. Spew was everywhere but she didnt care. Just the thought of her now makes my testicles retreat back into my body. What a woman.